The KM&I LexPrize™ Innovation Award recognizes truly transformative innovation in the legal profession.

About the KM&I LexPrize Innovation Award

Inspired by the remarkable stories shared at the inaugural 2023 KM&I for Legal Conference, we were compelled to establish this prestigious award to recognize and celebrate the visionary contributions shaping the future of knowledge management and innovation in the legal profession. 

The KM&I LexPrize Innovation Award honors genuinely impactful innovation in the KM&I community — the deeply useful changes that actually improve the user experience around the practice or business of law.

Our peer-driven selection process ensures the Award recipient is chosen by the KM&I community. The selection criteria are:

  • Practical Innovation: The project or initiative demonstrates a novel and profound impact for the organization.

  • Planning and Execution: Demonstrated planning and successful implementation of the project or initiative, showing strategic foresight and adept execution.

  • A Model for Change: The project or initiative serves as an example of positive behavior change and improved user experience in the organization.

How it works

  1. Application Submission: Law firm and corporate legal department members of the KM&I community are invited to apply for the LexPrize Innovation of the Year Award. See the submission deadline below.  

  2. Application Review: The KM&I Advisory Board will review all applications and select three Finalists, who will be notified of their accomplishment and invited to present their project at the KM&I Conference. 

  3. Live Presentations: Each of the three Finalists will present their innovative project or initiative to the attendees during a special session at the KM&I Conference. Conference attendees will have the chance to engage with the presenters, ask questions, and assess the impact and potential of each presentation.

  4. Live Voting: Following the presentations, Conference attendees will cast their votes to choose the winning submission. This “people’s choice” approach ensures that the recipient of the LexPrize Award is determined by the KM&I community.

  5. Award Ceremony: The LexPrize Award winner will be officially announced during the cocktail reception at the end of the first day of the Conference. 


  • May 1, 2024: LexPrize Innovation Award announced and application submission period opens. 

  • August 30, 2024: Application submission deadline. All applications for the Award must be submitted by 5:00 PM ET.

  • September 20, 2024: Finalists are selected and notified. 

  • September 24, 2024: Finalists announced to the public.

  • October 17, 2024: Finalists present their project or initiative at a special session of the KM&I for Legal Conference. Attendees then cast their votes and the winner is announced at the Conference Cocktail Reception.


Q: What are the benefits of applying for and winning the LexPrize™ Award?

A: Finalists will be recognized on the KM&I Conference website and via social media posts. Finalist video recordings will be published to the KM&I YouTube channel. All Finalists will have the opportunity to join Bob Ambrogi on the LawNext Podcast to discuss their innovative project.


Q: Who may apply for the LexPrize Award?

A: Any member of a law firm or in-house legal department may apply for the award.


Q: Can an organization submit multiple applications?

A: Yes. An organization may submit up to two applications for separate projects or initiatives. However, only one of the organization’s submissions will be eligible to be selected as the basis for a Finalist position.


Q: May I nominate others for the LexPrize Award? If so, how?

A: Yes! And you should! To nominate someone, email us at and let us know who you would like to nominate. We will let them know that you nominated them and ask them to complete the application.


Q: May I nominate my own organization for the LexPrize Award?

A: There’s no need to nominate yourself or your organization. Just submit an application (see below).


Q: When must a qualifying project or initiative have started and been completed?

A: Work on the project or initiative that is the subject of your application must have begun on or after January 1, 2023. The project or initiative must have been completed and implemented in your firm or organization by July 31, 2024. In other words, the project or initiative must have started and completed in the 19 month period between January 1, 2023 and July 31, 2024.


Q: Do I need to register for the KM&I for Legal Conference to apply for the LexPrize Award?

A: No - not to apply. But if you are chosen as a Finalist, at least one person from your organization must register and attend the Conference so that you can present your project or initiative to the KM&I community. Registration discounts will be available if you would like more than one person from your organization to attend.


Q: If my firm or organization is selected as a Finalist, how does the live presentation work?

A: Finalists will be given 7 minutes to present their project (with a PowerPoint deck, if you wish) to attendees from the main stage. Attendees will then have 5 minutes to ask Finalists questions about their presentation.

Deadline & How to apply

To apply for the LexPrize Innovation of the Year Award, request an application via email to and submit the completed application by August 30, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET